About Us

Our History

Noble Private Portfolios, founded in 1995 as an asset management company, has become one of the leaders in providing clients with structured products and investment opportunities. 

Noble PP is an approved Discretionary Services Provider registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority in terms of the Financial Advisory and intermediary Services Act (act no. 370 of 2002)

FSP No. 568

The Noble Concept

Noble PP follows a unique multi asset investment methodology that aims to deliver returns in excess of those offered by traditional investment funds by the careful and active allocation of portfolios across all asset classes, combined with the active selection of the best performing underlying fund managers.

Fund Selection and Investment Methodology

Our ultimate objective is to create and preserve wealth in real terms. We aim not to lose money and therefor only buy investments that will help us outperform benchmarks by a reasonable margin. Our Multi – Managed funds have been specifically designed to provide our investors with real returns to meet their own investment objectives. To this end the following management approach bears merit:

  • Risk is seen as a function of time
  • Each portfolio within the Noble fund range targets a specific real return over a defined investment horizon
  • Risk is defined as the risk of not achieving the stated benchmark

We therefor follow an investment methodology relying on systematic, robust and consistent decision making processes combined with risk control measures, eliminating as far as possible emotional and individual judgment.

Our Philosophy

The investment market has evolved into opportunities through sophistication and technological expertise, which requires a consistent philosophy vital to the success in investment management.

Our philosophy of value investment, being active asset allocation between all classes through a multi-asset, multi-managed investment methodology, drives our investment process.

We therefore strive towards faithfully adhering to our philosophy of value investment by:

  • Preserving capital
  • Managing and spreading risk
  • Generating superior returns
  • Reducing cost to the advisor
  • Hedging against inflation
  • Meeting the needs of the investor
  • Providing a Multi Asset Structure of top performing funds
  • Giving access to international institutional managers

Custodial Arrangements

All investments are directly administered by the Custodian Investment Providers. Client funds are deposited or transferred directly in the client’s account with the custodian in accordance with the regulations of the Financial Sector Conduct Authority.

No investment will be deposited/registered into the name of Noble Private Portfolios (PTY) Ltd. Script vests in the custodian nominee account. This system not only guarantees the best possible security and transparency for our clients, but also eliminates the costly and unnecessary transfer of valuable script.

Data delayed by 15 minutes. Data supplied by IRESS.